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Child Weight Loss Problems - Are Parents to Blame?

As a father of three and a fitness fanatic, I am very aware of child weight loss problems and how they are increasing at an alarming rate. I stay on top of whether my kids are in shape and active, rather than overweight and inactive. I do my best to show my kids what it takes to eat healthy and exercise regularly. With the onslaught of video games and computers these days, it is easy for a kid to get away from playing outdoors and getting enough exercise.
As a kid I was rarely ever in the house
As a kid, I used to spend most of my time outdoors, especially in the summer months. I very rarely was in the house and more often than not, my mother had to call me to come home at night. Child weight loss problems were few and far between in comparison to today's kids. I realize that times have changed and it may not be a good idea to let you kids roam the neighborhood and woods outside like back in my childhood. I also admit that back in the early eighties, there wasn't as many cool games and computers like there are now. I can still remember when Atari came out and how much I loved to play it! I think that even though there are so many fun things for kids to do inside, as parents we need to make a conscious effort to keep our kids active and healthy. A soccer game a few times a week is not the same as playing outside from dusk to dawn with a group of friends all summer long.
Diets play a huge role in child weight loss problems
Another huge factor in the increase in child weight loss problems is our diets today. Adults and children alike are fatter than ever because of the poor diets and excess carbohydrates that most people eat. I am not trying to be rude or say that I am better than others because I stay lean, I am just stating an obvious fact that as a nation, there are more overweight people in America than any other time in history. Of these people, an alarming amount happen to be children. As a society and as parents, we have a responsibility to teach our kids about fitness, diet, and overall health. If we practice a healthy lifestyle and eat right, our kids will learn from us and lead healthier and longer lives.
Parents need to take control of their lives and set an example
As a parent, I want to be around as long as I can for my kids and future grand kids. I read that around three quarters of Americans alive today will die from either heart disease or cancer. This just isn't acceptable in my opinion. It is common knowledge that a proper diet and fitness routine will keep you healthier than if you are overweight. Isn't it time as parents that we take control of our own lives and set a positive example for our children? If we do, I am sure that this will help decrease the child weight loss problems that are plaguing our nation and society as a whole.
No matter what body style or how much weight that you need to lose, weight loss all comes down to three simple steps. The fitness and dieting industry try to make it more difficult that it really is so they can sell you the diet of the week or the newest magic pill that never works! If you would like to finally leave all of the hype and lies behind and learn the real way to lose weight and get the body that you deserve .

Author : Kelly_U

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Weight Loss For Children

Weight loss has become mainstream media over the past 20 years, if not longer. Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast, keep the weight off, and the easiest ways to stay fit. Everyone wants to jump on the "next big thing" and hope that there train will come rolling in. The sad truth is that most of these people fail to lose weight. If they do, they can't keep it off for very long.
Why is that? Well, for starters, weight loss isn't a temporary solution. Since being chronically overweight or obese is a long term problem, weight loss needs to be viewed as a long term solution.
Did you or your child put on an extra ten pounds at one meal? What about one Christmas dinner? (well, that one might be possible, but hopefully not likely).
If you or your child didn't gain all the weight in one sitting, what makes you think you can lose it all that fast?
Common sense dictates that problems created over a period of time need to be solved over a similar period of time.
Do you see now why we are targeting childhood obesity? We want to minimize the amount of time people are overweight and at risk for various health issues related to obesity. So if your child has only been overweight for a year or so, we can help to bring them back to the healthy weight in the same period of time, or much shorter depending on your efforts and determination.
If on the other hand an adult has been overweight for 15 years, then their weight loss process will take considerably longer.
The reason? Well, simply put, they have spent the past 15 years developing bad habits that now need to be broken and ideas about food that need to be reversed. Are we saying it will take just as long to lose the weight as it did to put it on?
Absolutely Not! However, it will take longer if you or your child has been overweight for a longer period of time. A good rule of thumb to get back into acceptable shape is one-two months of healthy living for every year of unhealthy living. So, if your child has been overweight for just a year, it will take only two months to get them back down to the proper weight and size. That is, of course, assuming that all the proper steps are followed.
There are three main steps that need to be adhered to in order to get to a healthy weight and stay there.
The three P's are:
- Patience
- Planning and
- Persistence
Patience: This isn't a race. You aren't competing against the neighbor's kids to get your kid in fighting shape by the next wrestling match. Instead, you need to focus on pacing yourself and your child so that the goal of weight loss can be achieved. You want your child to understand the value of patience in everything, and you need to understand that by being patient you are more likely to withstand the downturns when they come and bounce back.
Planning: Just throwing caution to the wind and picking up food at a whim is what got your child where he is today. Planning will take all of the guess work out of what you need to stock in the house so that the weight loss will be automatic. I gained 20 pounds after getting out of the Navy, and I felt gross. When you leave a regimented lifestyle and just pick out whatever sounds appetizing for the moment, you lose. No one can win without a plan. You've heard the term "Failing to plan is like planning to fail" right? Well it's no different here. You absolutely need to plan how to go about losing weight (you and your kids). We are here to help.
Persistence: Persistence is needed in order to see the plan through to completion. Without persistence you are going to fail. Nothing in life comes easy, whether you would like to think so or not. This is especially true in weight loss. Even Kirstie Alley wasn't able to lose all of her love handles in one try, nor was it immediate. She implemented the three P's and lost weight (at least the first time).
Health Issues And Tips
Designed as Educational Information, to helpsolve Health Issues, with Tips on Exercise,Weight Loss, Addictions, SleepDis-orders, Depression and much more.
Short term goals
The best way to feel as though you are making progress in any endeavor is to make short term goals.
How short? Well, that depends on you. Do you forget what you had planned for the day by lunch time? In that case, make daily and weekly goals. You can also set biweekly, monthly, and yearly goals.
An example of how to make a weekly goal would be:
- Instead of trying to get your child down three sizes in the next month, focus on how to get them eating fewer calories in the next week.
- Don't go out for fast food or pizza this week
- Make lunches for your child for every day of the week
- Make a weekly dinner meal plan that you can actually implement
- Go for a 30 minute walk every evening after dinner
For monthly goals, try these out:
- Only go out for dinner four times this month (that includes fast food, pizza, and dine in type restaurants)
- Take part in an outdoor activity as a family every weekend
- Turn a nightly walk into a run once a week for the next month
- Read one book on weight loss and fitness
- Join a new group activity that you haven't done before and attend the classes for one straight month (this can be the YMCA, a yoga class, dance class, martial arts, etc. Make it tailored to your child's likes and dislikes)
Goals need to be specific and attainable. You don't want your goal to be "Lose two inches this month." You can have that thought, or even overall long term goal, but you need to have short term goals that drive you towards that end. If your short term goal is too broad, you won't be able to focus on smaller things that get you there. Your short term goals need to be small, focused, and attainable. Don't make them easy goals, push the envelope a little, but don't make them unattainable either.
For instance, don't make a goal of losing ten pounds this week. Instead, make a goal of reducing your caloric intake by 100 calories daily. This will aid in losing those ten pounds down the road, but it won't happen over night.
- Patience
- Planning and
- Persistence
Keeping these 3 P's in mind, you will get where you want to be, and so will your children!
Achieve Your Maximum Health Potential
Website & Blog site provides new and exciting techniques to aid world health enhancement. Offering articles, videos and alternative products to help people obtain their optimum health & fitness. Covering topics such as good health care, wellness, alternative exercising, yoga, skin care, body care, vitamins, anti-aging, weight loss & fitness.

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Top 10 Points of Encouragement for Weight Loss

On the road to weight loss, fitness, and health, you can easily become discouraged. In fact, discouragement is what leads many people to give-up when they may have been near a point of significant progress and encouragement in their program.

I've put together my "top 10" points of encouragement to help keep your spirits high on your road to weight loss, fitness, and health.

1. It does get better - and often very quickly! Many people that are significantly overweight or that have been sedentary for a long time, find any activity, even walking a few hundred feet, to be very difficult and uncomfortable. Be encouraged, many physiological changes happen very quickly once you start moving. Walking, for example, starts getting easier and more comfortable within a couple of weeks. Keep moving - every day will be a little better! Be encouraged!

2. I love this lady's story. It just makes you want to cheer for her while sitting at your computer. Margie from Madison, Wisconsin weighed 296 pounds when she started walking in her neighborhood. She says she started by walking about half a block twice a day and that it was incredibly difficult at first.

After the second day she had decided to quit but a neighbor encouraged her to continue. Every day she walked the same route but added a little distance each week. She says there were many days when she wanted to quit, but she wanted very badly to lose weight and be healthy. After several months the people in her neighborhood started noticing her consistency and her progress and started giving her compliments and words of encouragement. She said that after a few months of walking, it went from painful to enjoyable.

About ten months into her walking program, she began her morning walk as usual, but she noticed people out in their yards. As she passed each yard they were clapping and cheering for her, "go Margie", "we're proud of you Margie", "congratulations Margie!" She said tears of happiness flowed through her entire walk that morning as over a hundred people cheered her on all along her route! Be encouraged!

3. The visible signs of progress in a weight loss program are often very slow to come. Healthy weight loss takes time, but that can be very discouraging. Be encouraged to know that for each day that you exercise and eat healthy foods in moderate quantities, you have made progress. It might not be measurable that day, but you have made progress and it will be measurable over a period of weeks and months. Be encouraged!
4. Katherine was 43 years-old and had been sedentary for 20 years. The scale had not changed in those 20 years - she still weighed 136 pounds, but she knew she had lost muscle and gained fat. Her waist was bigger and she couldn't fit into the same size clothes that she did 20 years earlier. What bothered her most was that she was always tired and never had energy.

She decided to start walking and weight training but quit after a week. She said, "it's too uncomfortable, I can't keep doing this." I encouraged her to continue and told her that it would get better. She "quit" three times during the next two weeks. We talked frequently. Six weeks later she started to notice some muscle tone and she noticed that her endurance and energy level had increased dramatically. She said, "I'm very encouraged!"

Eight months later she had gained two pounds on the scale but lost three inches in her waist - and she walked a marathon! Yeeeeeeesss! Be encouraged!
5. The whole idea behind physical training is that you push your body to do a little more than it's comfortable with and it responds by making physical and physiological changes. These changes make you capable of doing a little more with less discomfort. Be encouraged!

6. Gerald in New Orleans, Louisiana lost 85 pounds after he started walking and weight training. Once he had lost the weight, he decided to do something that would allow him to fully appreciate his weight loss. For an entire day, he carried around a sack that contained 85 pounds of metal weights.
Getting around during that day was a struggle and very tiring. At the end of the day he was exhausted! Life without the weight is great! Be encouraged!

7. Keep records of your progress. Every day write down the positive changes you've noticed and also keep a record of the exercise you do every day. Write down what you did, how long you did it, and any thoughts about your exercise that day. Keep a running total of your minutes. You can look back at what you've done with a great sense of accomplishment and you'll be motivated to do more. Be encouraged!

8. Daily exercise will change your life! I believe God designed humans to be active on a daily basis. Why? because when you are, lots of good things happen..

- you are healthier
- you feel better and have more energy
- you are less likely to develop cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc.
- you sleep better
- you have a better outlook on life
- your relationships with people are enhanced
- your skin looks healthier
- you are sick less often
- your immune system is stronger
- you lose fat
- you gain toned, lean muscle
- you look healthier
Be encouraged!
9. Betty Jo in Tuscaloosa, Alabama wrote to me.. "Greg, After 24 years of being married to a grouchy, pessimistic man who didn't enjoy life, I saw all that change over a period of about a year. Harold was the classic 70 pound overweight couch potato when he was scared into exercising and healthier eating habits by the death of his 46 year-old friend."

Harold's doctor recommended that he start walking every morning and after a couple of weeks Harold told Betty Jo that he wanted to start eating better. Harold really took-off with this "health thing" and lost 72 pounds and become a new man - inside and out. In Betty Jo's words, "I have a new husband. He walks for an hour every morning and he is a joy to be around. His enthusiasm for life makes our marriage fun." Be encouraged! 10. Progress and improvement generate encouragement. YOU can progress and improve and be encouraged to do more. Tomorrow morning, put on your walking shoes and take a walk, even if it's just a few minutes. The next day, do it again - progress and improve.

Author : Greg_Landry,_M.S.

Healthy Foods to Help You Lose Weight

Losing weight could be traumatizing for people who keep on trying different ways on how to lose weight but still they could not get the results they ever wanted. But one thing that they might forget when doing this is to make some changes in their daily diet. This is the most effective way when losing weight in the most ideal manner. So, if you are one of them, then you should start eating these foods to help you lose weight.

1. Eat Plenty of Fruits

Maybe you should try being a "fruitarian." Fruits are totally healthy because they don't have those bad cholesterol that you usually consume everyday like when eating pizza, spaghetti, bacon, cheese, hamburgers and many other unhealthy foods that your taste bud loves. So, it's time to make a change. Once you're hungry, why not fill in your stomach with your favorite fruit or any fruit that you find tasty. Most of the time, you like eating sweet foods during snack time. So, try eating some fruits during this time so that your stomach will not get hungry. And during meals, try to eat some fruits before eating your entire meal. This way, you tend to eat less.

2. Try brown rice as your main source of carbohydrates.
Many are complaining about too many carbohydrates in their bodies. So, instead of eating lots of bread, pizza, pasta and other unhealthy foods with plenty of carbohydrates; why not stick to brown rice. You may not feel like eating to this at first; but with a conditioned mind you will be used to it. Brown rice is rich in fiber, thus you will have a better digestion. Another good thing about this kind of rice is that you will eat lesser in amount because you will not have too much appetite when eating. So, if you will be hungry after few hours; try eating some biscuits and drink plenty of water or fruit juice.

3. Eat more fish than meat.

When preparing food for your meal, try concentrating on making a dish from fish. You can make a research on how to cook it well to make it more delicious. You can cook it in different ways so that you will not find it boring to eat. Use your creativity too so that it will appear more delicious to your eyes. You can also add some healthy vegetables to make some variations in taste. Add some spices and flavors to make your dish perfect. Actually, fish is very healthy especially those with high levels of Omega 3 because there are healthy fats which are very good for your heart, eyes, brain and mood.

So if you are really sincere and very much determined in losing weight, then try eating these foods to help you lose weight. Just try to experiment it for a month then check the results. If you find things are working well, then why not make it a lifestyle to maintain a healthy and a nice looking body. Healthy foods are not only for losing weight, they are also important to make a longer and more meaningful life. So, there's no reason for you not to like them.

Author : Vincent_Pham

Why Maintaining a Healthy Weight Is About More Than Looks

We're told so often to eat healthy and get regular exercise that the reasons for doing so can get lost in the message. Numerous research studies make the connection between a healthy lifestyle and a decreased risk in disease, leading to a longer life. But what's the mechanism behind this?

Diet and exercise alter hormone balance

Scientists from the National Center for Tumor Diseases in Heidelberg suggest that one of the reasons that diet and exercise are so successful is because they impact hormone production. There are two primary hormones that are produced by fat tissue: adiponectin and leptin. Adiponectin is anti-inflammatory and works to increase the effect of insulin, while leptin is capable of fueling tumor cell growth. The two hormones are balanced in a healthy way when adiponectin levels are high and leptin levels are low.

With this in mind, the researchers looked at the effect of diet and exercise on these hormones. They followed 439 obese women over the age of 50 for a full year. One group made no changes to their lifestyle to act as a control. A second group made changes to diet alone, while a third changed just exercise habits. The final group altered both diet and exercise.

The results showed that leptin production was decreased in all three of the groups that made a change, but the largest decrease was seen in the group that changed diet and exercise simultaneously. An even more significant finding was that the more weight a person lost, the healthier their balance of hormones. This remained true across all groups, regardless of whether they lost weight by changing their diet or through exercise.

The numbers were noteworthy. Some of the women who lost 10 percent of their body weight saw over a 50 percent decrease in leptin, accompanied by a 20 percent increase in adiponectin.

The bottom line

Diet, exercise, and any resulting weight loss are about more than physical appearance. They have a substantial impact on hormone levels in the body, which play a major role in the prevention of disease. In addition, those who eat well, stay active and maintain a healthy weight can expect to live longer than those who don't. By incorporating nutrition and regular physical activity into your lifestyle, you are working to lower levels of a hormone linked to the growth of tumor cells and increase levels of a hormone that reduces inflammation.

Author : Shawna_Matthews

Weight Loss - Your World Is Full Of Sugar

Have a look around local supermarket. The aisles of chocolates and candy and biscuits and cakes. The refrigerators are full of sugar rich yoghurts and desserts. Rows and rows of soft drinks and cordials, and even the fruit juices are loaded with sugar to maintain a consistency of flavour.
Then you get to the checkouts with the daily discounted chocolates and treats to tempt adults and children. You drive home passing bakeries, and fast food outlets with their fridges full of sodas and ice creams and their big multi coloured slurpies.

You go to the movies and the snack bar is loaded with overpriced sweet snacks and yet we are still tempted. How about when you stop for fuel at the roadhouse, walking in to pay is like running the sugar gauntlet. You are surrounded by tempting snacks and even the refrigerators are bursting with sweet brightly coloured refreshing beverages.

You have been conditioned since your childhood to believe that sweets are a reward. That sweets are there for us when we are upset or need comforting, and that chocolates are a sign of love and romance.
Sweets are treats and desserts are naughty but that makes them even more appealing.
So how on earth do you manage sugar in your life. It seems you have three options.
  1. Keep on eating the way you always have. Continue the cycle of Eat, diet, eat, enjoy and be angry with yourself. This is the standard cycle of lose weight and gain more back. The cycle of dietary frustration
  2. Endlessly struggle with trying to avoid sugar. Forcing yourself to not reach out for the strategically placed chocolate at the supermarket checkout. Or finding yourself staring through the window of your local bakery, or trying to just order a coffee and then going for the muffin as the waitress opens the cash register.
  3. Release sugar from your life, using weight loss hypnosis. If you are sick of struggling then hypnosis will release you from all your old connections and habits about sugar.
You can do this easily and quickly, and all that is required is that you are committed to your health and you are willing to make changes in your life and willing to participate in the process.
Hypnosis is not a magic process, it does require some commitment from you, so just keep your desire clear and know why you want to remove sugar from your life.
Author Source: Ian_Newton

Foods That Fight Against Obesity and Help You Lose Weight Fast

What is obesity?

Obesity is a medical condition where excess body fat has accumulated in different parts of the body. There are different adverse effects of obesity on human health. Too much intensity of body fats results in many health problems and reduction in life span. Obesity initiates different diseases like heart problems, type 2 diabetes, insomnia, skin disease, certain kind of cancer, disorders in endocrine systems, mental illness and arthritis. The medical association of America classified obesity as a kind of disease.
What are the causes of obesity?

1. Intake of excess food energy.
2. Lack of exercises and physical activities.
3. Obesity can also from genetically.
4. Too much intake of steroidal medicine.

What are the active measures taken to fight against obesity?

1. Regular exercise and proper physical activities are taken to fight against obesity. Intake of fat burning supplements must be avoided which causes some health problems.
2. Intake of proper and healthy foods to overcome obesity. Overfeeding and intake of excess food results in the accumulation of body fats. To fight against obesity, several dietary measures are taken which restricts the intake of carbohydrate and fats which are the main two components for obesity.
3. Avoid the intake of steroidal medicine.

Foods that help you lose weight.

There are different foods available worldwide used for burning excess body calories. These foods are used to fight against obesity and which is obtained without doing too much exercise. This kind of food helps in retention of waters and increases metabolism which ultimately results in feeling fuller for longer hours.
The different foods for weight loss are:
1. Almonds: The nutritional value of almonds is Vitamin E and Protein with high fiber contents. Intake of almonds stops us feeling hungry.
2. Leafy green vegetables: By proper intake of leafy green vegetables like spinach and lettuce results in the loss of weight. It is the quickest way for weight reduction as it extremely low in calories. It consists of rich fiber, several vitamins and minerals which help in body water retention.
3. Oats: Oats are basically used for lowering of body cholesterol. A portion of oats are taken regularly in the morning for breakfast and it is a low calorie diet. The intake of oats results in the slow release of natural energy throughout the day which keeps us feeling fuller all the day.
4. Olive oil: Intake of olive oil results in the overall weight loss of the body. Olive oil consists of a naturally occurring chemical commonly known as oleic acid which helps in the breakdown of excess fat in our body.
5. Beans: The different nutrients of beans are protein and fiber. It is basically low in energy and releases slow energy. This food is also taken for the proper body weight loss.
6. Green Tea: It is another component of food used for the excess weight loss. This is basically used for the water retention and flushing out excess fluids from the body. Regular intake of green tea speed the metabolism which help in burning the excess fat in our body.
The above foods are the good sources for you to stay away from obesity and help you lose weight fast. You can use them in any diets and any times needed.

Author : Vincent_Pham

3 Tips For Staying Healthy While Working From Home

Stepping out of my comfort zone, I decided to approach this weight loss challenge by making a small change---that change is to move my body. Moving your body is essential to a healthy lifestyle and for maintaining a healthy weight. I have always enjoyed long walks in the park so I decided that taking my body for a walk would be the best approach to get me started. Early mornings works best for me, pick a time that works for you. During this 20-30 minute walk I get a chance to do some deep breathing getting more oxygen moving through my body, reduce stress, all while thinking about how I want to proceed with the next project.
If you have decided to change your eating patterns, think about what and how to make that change.

  • Think about your eating patterns? Eating habits make a huge difference in determining your weight. When foods high in fat or sugars are consumed, such as chips and dips; these foods turn to fat in the body. These foods wreck your body especially while in a sitting position and causes much weight gain and in some cases other medical issues.

  • How are you serving food to the family? Do you put the portions on everyone's plate or do you bring it all to the table and serve the food family style where everyone can take as much as they want? Portion size is one of the main reasons people eat too much.

  • How have you learned to eat? If you are a fast eater, you may not even realize the clues your stomach gives you that it is full. This is something to think about when starting to change your eating habits, and working to develop a customize eating plan for you and your family.
Stay confident as you work towards your weight loss goals. Know that you can achieve any goal you set your mind to, so make the decision to use this information to start that healthy diet plan today. Be positive, keep your eye on your eating patterns and you will get the results you want. I am sure you have heard or even thought about changing your health, maybe now is a good time to begin developing that plan and taking a course of action so you can get on the road to the super healthy lifestyle you deserve? Stay positive, follow these tips and keep moving to achieve the body you deserve.

Author : Linda_J_Turner

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Eat Stop Eat Review - Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss

Some info on Eat Stop Eat:

Weight loss has always been an issue, at least since society declared that slim people are beautiful and that people start to get concerned with health hazards like cholesterol, diabetes obesity and so on. So, one of the increasingly popular weight loss methods is, of course the fast method. There's an extremely popular choice nowadays, a recent breakthrough on the weight loss niche called Eat Stop Eat.

Health and Weight:

Health is very correlated with your weight, since being overweight means you are incurring a lot more health risks than if you have a healthy weight, as such, Eat Stop Eat can help you get healthier in an effective way.

Exercise, how much and when?
The program will tell you just how much you have to exercise and just when to exercise to have the best results - maxing the calorie burn and optimizing your efforts.

Longer Fasts vs Intermittent Fasts:
There is enough scientific information by now to securely state that longer fasts are hazardous for one's health, and that intermittent fasts, just as in the Eat Stop Eat diet, have no dangers and are the most advised solution, so you can be sure you won't get any health risks while on the program - quite the contrary.

Keep Muscle Mass and Energy Levels High:
One big concern people have when it comes to Fasts is that they will probably lose their muscle mass and get that chronic fatigue settled in. Well, with this diet you won't have to worry about that, as you will keep that hard earned muscle mass and your energy levels will be kept high at all times, even on your "fast times".

Controlling your Metabolism:
Controlling your metabolism or letting your metabolism control you is what settles the difference between this and other fasting programs. You see, when you fast your metabolism usually feels the difference and responds by lowering your metabolism speed and entering survival mode, meaning that it will try to keep every since calorie you give it. With Eat Stop Eat you won't get your efforts hindered by your metabolism, you won't enter "survival mode" so you will lose calories faster than with any other pill out there.
So, summing up, Eat Stop Eat is a method that really brings a whole new age upon the weight loss niche and revolutionizes the way we fast - so make sure to consider this method if you want to lose those extra pounds
Visit Eat Stop Eat for more details and a special discounted rate on the most up to date release of the program.

Author : Shaun_Cullen

How to Know If You Are Using Fat As a Way of Hiding From the World

How to know if you are using fat as a way of hiding from the world
Very often people unconsciously hold onto fat as a way of hiding a secret or something about themselves that they don't want to share, much in the same way a child might hide under a blanket. Food itself is a great way of stuffing down words and feelings that you either wish you didn't have or don't want to share. Some of the most common things that I see people try to hide with fat are:

Having a lot of debt: People with large amounts of debt often overeat as a way of stuffing down the bad feelings around debt.

Not feeling safe or happy in a relationship. Example: Partner is cheating or is abusive and you don't know what to do about it.

Being a victim of past sexual violation: People use fat this way in the misguided belief it will protect them from future pain.

Being overly sensitive to other's problems and trying to put up a buffer. (This is a problem that nurses and other healers often have.)

Being very unfulfilled in a career. Example: the artist who is trying to make a career as a lawyer because it pays better, but all the while hating it.

Now we all know intellectually that being fat or hiding behind fat will not change any of these situations or heal any past wounds, but since these actions are unconscious they are not being subjected to the intellectual scrutiny of our reasoning mind.

Don't assume that every overweight person you know has been molested or is in debt. That is not always the case, but sometimes it is. So please don't judge the overweight people in your life. You have no way of knowing what pain they have experienced.

If you suspect you may be using fat as a way of hiding ask, yourself the following questions:
What am I trying to hide from the world?

How can I be more authentic and honest with the world in a way that is safe? Or who can I talk to about what happened?

Sometimes just journaling about your feelings is all you need to do to get that energy moving. Other times a good therapist, hypnotherapist, or best friend can help you release yourself from the chains of secrets and emotions by being a sounding board. Sometimes all it takes is just bringing awareness to the situation which helps you release the need to hide behind the fat.

A new diet won't take this problem away. You have to do the emotional work but when you do the rewards are more than just a smaller size, they are a bigger life.
Author : Jill_K_Thomas

3 Easy Things You Can Do To Lose Weight and Gain Definition

For men, the hardest thing to do is lose pure belly fat and get moving forward with a positive outlook. Most fail to deliver on the promise to themselves and their families to lose weight, because it can be harder than ever before to get through the doldrums of trying to gain lean muscle instead of fat cells. If you find yourself looking for a way to seriously lose some weight, than you will want to focus on a few things that are not only simple, but can help you sustain the goals that you have and get on board with something that actually works. The following is simple, remember that, and you will be fine.

Eat Whole Foods - This may sound rudimentary, but it cannot be stressed enough. Do not forget to eat well and focus on whole foods. The more you focus on eating good things, the better you will feel and the more your body will respond to the ingredients. Look at the boxes that you're purchasing and focus on only eating things that you can pronounce and you know are going to help your body succeed in digestion and capitalize on things that will compel you to lose fat fast.

When In Doubt Exercise - There are times of leisure that you're going to be wasting time. Think about it, you may watch television for a few hours a night and there are commercials in which you are simply waiting for your program to return. In that moment, you have a great and powerful option to get some exercise in. Take those breaks as signs to do something, and get started with pushups and crunches. Do this often and every time you watch several hours of programming, you will have something to do that will be beneficial to your goal of losing serious weight.

Find a Hobby - Get a bicycle, join a recreational sports league, start running, or any hobby that involves a great deal of physical activity. You want to make sure that you're not only moving around a lot, but enjoying what you're doing. If you do this, you will start to see the fat melt away and your muscles will start to get more defined. Do not let up when you see initial results, keep yourself moving forward and you will gain a serious amount of definition and those six pack abs will start to form as well.

The above 3 easy things that you can do to lose weight and gain definition are not hard to accomplish. You simply start with baby steps and focus on moving through everything and get the results that you want. If you are serious about getting fit and you want to do everything in your power to gain muscle instead of fat, the above will get you going forward. Once you start to see results, keep things going by joining a gym and alternate between cardiovascular workouts and weight training. When you combine all elements in proper manner, you will accomplish your goals and look great at the same time.

Author : Dennis_Ruiz

Training in the Heat or the Cold: Which Is Best for Weight Loss?

The main argument on the cold side seems to be "you burn more calories trying to keep warm" while the argument on the hot side is "you sweat and burn off the pounds". While both of these arguments have their merits, which is best?

Let's start with training in the cold. First of all, a heavy warmup is required before you even feel like really moving. Once you power through this, you're body's metabolic rate will be well above normal. The problem is that this isn't sustainable. If you continue to do intense exercise in the cold for extended periods, you will start to feel dizzy and weak. Eventually, your body will no longer be able to adequately fight the cold and you will get the chills and feel stiff.

While this could be fine if you know when to stop, there is another problem. Your joints are very sensitive to temperature changes. Training in the cold means having under-lubricated joints which can lead to many painful disorders like arthritis and joint inflammation. Furthermore, you won't have access to your full strength as your body's instinct is to route blood to your vital organs in order to protect them from the cold.
Now heat I find to be very beneficial. It promotes good blood flow from the get go making it very easy to get warmed up. Losing weight through sweat is just losing water weight BUT more importantly, sweat carries with it a lot of toxins that build up in your body over the years. Having a good sweat now and then make's you feel energetic and full of life!

Having good blood flow means being able to push your cardiovascular system to it's limits. Hot air is thicker as well meaning that your lungs can take in more oxygen with every breath leading to increased endurance. The muscles enjoy the increased blood flow too. Your strength is increases as your muscles get pumped full of oxygen and nutrients and your recovery time between muscle building workouts is shortened for the same reason.

Fat is designed to protect you in times of famine. This can be simulated by bad blood flow not supplying the extremities with enough nutrients. With better blood flow, the body can relax just a bit as it feels that there is no scarcity of food. This leads to not holding on to fat stores so tightly.

Author : Choppy_T._Paulson

Losing Weight While Living Your Life

Many people who want to lose weight struggle with some of the basic changes needed for effective weight loss. While weight loss does take some basic changes and commitment, dropping extra pounds is fairly straightforward. These healthy eating habits to lose weight can be incorporated into most people's lifestyles easily.

While giving up carbohydrates is probably not a good idea, limiting the amount of calories from carbohydrates can help to boost weight loss. When eating carbohydrate sources, focus on complex carbs, such as plant foods. There are also some great zero and low carb foods that should be incorporated into a daily diet.

While most people avoid milk carbohydrates, cheese like mozzarella, meunster, cheddar, and fontina have almost no carbohydrates in them. These are great choices for low-carb foods as a good source of protein and dairy. It's also a good idea to focus on some of the basic meats and meat alternatives. Unprocessed meats do not contain carbohydrates and lean sources of these meats are a great choice. Legumes and nuts do contain some carbohydrates in the form of fiber, so don't avoid these for a good protein source.
Non-starchy vegetables are a low-carbohydrate source so choosing options like leafy greens, carrots, tomatoes, and broccoli are good additions to a diet. Avoid starchy vegetables which are high in carbohydrates and a poor source of nutrients as well.

While decreasing carbohydrates is a good idea, it's also recommended to focus on some top superfoods. These are food that are high in vitamins and minerals, and can help boost the body's ability to lose weight and also keep up energy and vitality.

Blueberries are a top superfood for their high antioxidant concentration. They work to preserve memory, have a high water content, and also are a good source of fiber, helping to keep people full with dieting. Spinach is another great choice and this high-nutrient superfood can be switched out for lettuce in a diet to add a boost. Most nuts are a great choice, but pistachios tend to be a little lower in fat and are especially recommended for adding superfoods to a diet. Dark chocolate may be a surprise on this list, but with its high cacao content, it makes up an important part of a healthy diet, especially if it's limited to about an ounce a day.

Other top superfoods that should be included in a diet are red peppers, pumpkin, and egg whites. These are low-carb options that offer great nutrients and health benefits. Not only do they make a great addition to a diet, they can help to boost weight loss. Look for ways to incorporate these superfoods into a normal eating plan.

These are some of the most effective ways to lose weight. By switching out high-carb, low-nutrient foods with some of these better choices, people can build healthy eating habits to lose weight and build a new lifestyle. Consider making small changes every day for an effective and reliable way to achieve a healthy weight through diet and nutrition
Author : Kevin_Wynn

How To Prepare Chicken For Weight Loss ?

Below are several tips to explain you how to prepare chicken for weight loss without losing the taste and texture of the meat. Chicken is full of protein and low in fat, which makes it the most effective choices for eating healthy and building lean muscle.

1) Remove the skin

Chicken skin is normally used in fatty dishes to improve the taste and texture. Many chefs around the world use the chicken skin in dishes to bring out the taste of their sauces and creams. In case you are trying to lose weight, now is not the time to leave the skin on the chicken. If you are cooking a complete chicken, make sure you have remove the skin. In doing so, you will save yourself from extra calories and lots of fat.

2) Remove the fat

Usually lean chicken breasts can contain fat along the sides. It is best to clean the fat by cutting it off and getting rid of it, especially if you are attempting to lose weight. You will not lose the taste of the meat, but will lose more calories that may convert to pounds if you decide to leave the fat on. The fat is easy to remove when the chicken is thaw. It could be placed flat on a cutting board and trimmed off very easily with a sharp knife.

3) Grill the meat

Whenever you prepare chicken, or any meat, on the grill, excessive fat actually drips off. Any fat that missed during the cutting and preparing process gets removed while the meat grills. Grilling is the perfect method to cook chicken because of the health aspect. A small fist-sized part of chicken breast is filling and full of protein, which makes it the perfect dish for losing weight. Grilled chicken could be sliced into pieces and added on salads or combined with black beans for a Mexican medley. Grilled chicken is extremely versatile and could be used in many dishes to help you lose weight.

4) Prepare in the oven

one of the most popular methods to prepare chicken for weight loss is to cook it in the oven. Chicken could be seasons with onion and garlic powders, dill or mustard and cooked in the oven for just 20 minutes. Baking chicken eliminates the extra fat that missed during the preparation time. The chicken breast or legs could be cooked with various vegetables, such as asparagus or broccoli, to make a complete meal. Include a piece of whole grain bread or a small part of steamed brown rice and you have yourself a proper and healthy meal suit for a weight loss king.

5) Prepare chicken with olive oil

if you want your chicken fried, but planning to lose weight in this process, it is best to use a little olive oil in the pan and avoid the Fry Daddy. Chicken pieces could be made very easily and healthily by cutting a chicken breast into small strips and placing them to a pan that has garlic, fresh onion and a tablespoon of extra pure olive oil. The chicken could be fried until crispy or left moist and flavorful. The chicken will soak up some of the oil so even if cooked to a crisper texture, it will stay moist and tasty.

Author : Adam_Tempo

How to Lose Weight and Have Your Food Too!

Sometimes it all gets too much for us. We look in the mirror and realise it is just not going to happen as we consider ourselves too fat to start on what we call an everyday diet. We love our food and hate exercise. What are the alternatives?

Diet Pills

There are many diet pills on the market today, all claiming to be the best and get quick results. Before reading their claims of losing 50 lbs. in a month, take note of the name of the diet pill and then Google it to find a forum where other overweight people have tried it and their thoughts and results. These people are passing on their knowledge to you and will not gain financially from their review. If the majority say it is working for them, ask them whether they are just taking the diet pill, or have reduced their food intake and started exercising as well. You need to know these facts before proceeding. You would be wise to ask if anyone has had any side effects or allergies from taking the pills. If you are obese, you need to gather all these facts and then visit your doctor and show him your results, as he will know whether these pills may conflict with diabetes or blood pressure medications you may be taking.


This is a common procedure for many obese people. You will need to get a Doctor's referral to a specialist to enable you to have this operation. They will counsel you to make sure you have tried other dietary methods first and whether you will be suitable for this operation. This usually results in a big weight loss.

Gastric Banding

Another operation to consider only if you have tried unsuccessfully with other diets as it is the most drastic of suggestions here. This also requires a specialist to see if you qualify for this operation and to explain what will happen after the operation. This operation reduces the size of your stomach by sectioning off part of it so you will no longer be able to have large meals. For a small time you will only be able to take liquid meals while your stomach adjusts. Consequently a large weight loss will be the result. This option requires a lot of thought.

Diet meals

A much kinder approach to weight loss and very easy, is to have a diet company deliver your meals to you. These meals add up to a specific daily calorie intake. The meals are all nutritionally prepared and labelled for you to enjoy. There is a great variety of choice of meals and plenty to eat. The reviews about this have been very positive and of course no surgery required.
These are some ways to help you on your way to the new slim you. Don't give up as you will find a solution.

Author : Chris_C_Thomas

Is Your Salad Really Healthy?

We have equated salads with healthy eating and weight loss. Because salads mostly contain vegetables and are easy to prepare, it's a fixture on most weight loss plans. However, there are some cases wherein going for the salad is not the healthier choice.
How can you go wrong with a bowl of vegetables, you ask? You can; apparently, with what you add to these vegetables are the ones sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Even at small amounts, the dressing, croutons, bacon bits and cheese count against the calories you give up in order to lose weight.
The fact that most of the salad dressings we tend to favour use mayonnaise should have us re-evaluate the steps we take towards a healthier lifestyle. While these salad dressings are indeed full of flavour, these dressings are also loaded on calories that put a dent on our calorie limit. Moreover, the preservatives in these dressings are can also have an effect on your health.

Apart from the dressing, the toppings we put on our salad can also make a difference. Sure, the greens are good for you, but if you keep on adding chicken crisps, croutons, cheese and the like, that just defeats the whole purpose of eating healthy. You may as well forget the salad and snack on chocolate bars instead. These toppings are high in calories and just off-set the multiple health benefits of the vegetables.
Basically, the fixings and the dressings are the key to keeping your salad healthy. Try out these tips on how you can make your salad really work for you and your weight loss goals:

1. Watch your portions. It's better if you make your own salads at home because you're in control of how much you eat. But if you're eating out, eat half an order.

2. Avoid calorie-rich creamy dressings. If you can, opt for dressings with olive oil or balsamic vinegar which are healthier but just as flavourful. When eating out, ask the staff to serve dressing on the side so you're in control of how much dressing goes in your salad. One trick you can try is dipping your fork into the dressing, then onto the salad with each bite. This way, your salad isn't swimming in high-calorie dressing.
3. Go for dark leafy greens like spinach and fresh herbs, which have more nutritional value.

4. Pick healthier proteins. Opt for grilled chicken, shrimp, tofu or a hard-boiled egg instead of meat and fried toppings.

5. Swap out croutons for more vegetables. If you're looking for more texture in your salad, toss in cherry tomatoes, olives, peanuts, carrots, corn, peppers, onions or cucumber.

6. Pick healthier cheese. For a big serving of salad, 1/4 cup of feta, blue, mozzarella, cheddar or goat cheese would suffice.

7. Add fruits. Why stop with vegetables when you can enjoy the health benefits of fruits in your salad to? Try orange slices, strawberries or cranberries to add a fruity twist to your dish.

The great thing about salads is that you can get creative with them. Just keep these tips in mind so you can make the most of your green, leafy meal.

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Author : Inna_Gregorio

The Art of Fitness and Diets

The Right Diet Plan

What is the CKD Diet? It wouldn't make sense to write an entire article about this particular plan without at least giving you a brief outline of what it actually consists of. As you will soon discover, this is not considered an easy plan to stick to. It is considered a more extreme diet that is mainly used by competing bodybuilders because of the extreme results it produces in the minimum amount of time. By now, I'm sure that I have your attention. The analogy I like to use when explaining how this diet works is a car analogy. Imagine if you could choose which type of fuel you wanted to use for your car... if it was cheaper now to use diesel, then you could use diesel; if not, then you could use gasoline. Your choice entirely. This is sort of how the CKD Diet works. Your body is now using carbohydrates for fuel. However, it also has the ability to use FAT for fuel. Imagine being able to burn all of that excess body fat all day long just by telling your body that you want to use fat for fuel, instead of carbohydrates.
So how do you tell your body that you want to switch to sing fat for fuel? Amazingly, it is done by eating more fat! Once your daily diet consists of about 60% fat, 35% protein and less than 5% carbohydrates (the less the better; ideally, 0% is best), it gives your body the signal to change its fuel type. The actual process is actually more complicated than that, but the purpose of this article is not to go into the specifics. The purpose is to make you aware of the logistics that also come along with this extreme plan; which are often ignored, and are very often a cause of failure. So let's move on to the important stuff...

The Right Person

Who should start the CKD Diet? Almost everyone wants to lose SOME body fat. Almost everyone wishes they could change SOMETHING about their appearance that is related to diets or fitness. So those simple questions are no good here. The successful CKD Dieter will possess more than just a "want to be better looking" attitude. You must have desire and determination. It is this combination of emotions and mindset that will get you through those challenging times where your will power is tested; and there will be more than one instance. It is far too easy to destroy your progress with this particular fitness plan. Although it includes two "carb reload days," you can be assured that those carbohydrate cravings may still persist throughout the week. That is when the true test begins. And the fruits of your labor will be a direct indicator of how strictly you have managed to follow this diet.

The Right Place
Environment will (and almost always does) play an important role in the amount of success you enjoy. Being surrounded by party animals who focus each waking moment on the next time they will be able to "party like a rock star" will definitely hinder your progress. Likewise, laid back friends who rarely see any project through to completion will also eat away at your initial determination to improve yourself. The CKD Diet is a fine example of a project that ties into your inner goals and ambitions and requires real effort and determination all the way to the end. By the way, "the end" is not a fixed place. It is simply a physical state that you want to reach. You may decide on a certain body fat percentage goal, or a total body mass goal. It will vary for each individual. Also, just because you made it to the end does not mean you are finished and can let all of your hard work go down the toilet... on the contrary, it is up to you now to maintain this magnificent sculpted body of yours.

The Right Time

The right time is equally as important as the other two things described above. It can refer to the right time of day, or even the right time in your life. Are you at a moment in your life where you can devote yourself to a goal and see it through to the end without being distracted? This can be a tough question to answer because distractions often do not warn you before arriving. Your drive and ambition simply have to overpower any and all distractions until your routine becomes ingrained into your current lifestyle. Once your new diet and fitness way of life becomes habitual, every day distractions become easier and easier to deal with.
As for the right time of day, it ties into the habit conversation we just had above. Make a routine that you can easily stick to. This is especially important in the early stages of your new plan. That is when it is easiest to give up because everything wasn't exactly perfect. All of the lights weren't green so you decided not to even begin your journey. This is a very common pitfall that snares a vast majority of people in any new endeavor. The truth is that it will never be the "right" time to begin anything new. You just have to start. Once you start, you then have to learn how to roll with the punches and stick it through the hard times. Once you are clear of the rough patches and have set your routine, you then have to keep it up and don't slow down just because you see some improvement. Use that improvement as fuel and re-ignite your passion to continue on at full pace.

Author: Gurjinder_Mangat

Cleanse Your Body To Be Healthy And Lose Calories Fast

Just like machines, our bodies will accumulate toxins from the air we breathe, as well as chemicals in our foods and water. Although our bodies are capable of removing some of these toxins, there is a limit on the amount that can be removed. Once that harmful stuff starts to accumulate, our organs, especially the liver, will not be able to function efficiently. Consequently, if the liver malfunctions and cannot break down fats, it will result in weight gain. Other possible symptoms of a sluggish liver are high cholesterol, fatigue, difficulty in losing weight, immune system dysfunction and excessive gas and bloating.

What is the function of your liver, and how does it affect your weight loss efforts? Well, the liver is the second largest and the hardest working organ in your body. It filters, eliminates and cleans out substances that can harm our bodies. To accomplish this, the liver produces a greenish (sometimes yellowish-brown) liquid called "bile", which it uses to clean the organs and blood. Bile fluids are stored in the gall bladder and re-circulated throughout our bodies many times a day. Primarily, bile helps to break down and digest fats. The liver also dumps toxins into the bile in order to remove them from our bodies. If your liver becomes dysfunctional in any way, the amount of toxins dumped into the bile increases. This clogs the bile and makes it inefficient in breaking down fats. Thus, for you to lose weight, the overall composition of your bile should be low in toxins and fats.

The liver also controls the processing and excretion of our bodies' hormones, which can affect our bodily functions like metabolic rate and blood sugar levels. As we all know, metabolic rate or metabolism is linked to weight loss. The thyroid gland, upon receiving signals from the liver, secretes hormones to regulate our metabolism. With optimal metabolism, your body will be able to lose calories fast! The liver also moderates our blood sugar levels between meals. After a exercise or long period without food, our blood sugar concentrations will drop. The liver will then act to increase blood sugar levels. On the other hand, if blood sugar levels are too high after a meal, the liver will convert glucose to glycogen, causing body cells to absorb blood sugar and thus lowering the levels.

These are just the tip of the iceberg of what our livers can do. It is evident that if the liver is overworked and inefficient, an assortment of complications can arise, affecting bodily functions like digestion, energy levels, etc., and leading to difficulty in achieving your ideal weight. Therefore, having a healthy liver that functions optimally will definitely help you to lose calories fast and lead a healthier, fulfilling life!

Author : Seng_PT_Steward

Diet And Weight Loss Tips: How To Eat More And Still Lose Weight

Obesity is a significant health problem in the United States. Some estimates indicate that approximately one third of the adult population is morbidly obese.

Moreover, the connections between obesity and many ailments including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, some forms of joint pain and some kinds of cancer are well established.
And, not surprisingly, obesity places a tremendous strain on our already troubled health care system.
Many people who want to lose weight do not really understand the mathematics of weight loss.
Early in my career, I directed the counseling program at a hospital based program where we treated more than four thousand obese and overweight patients. Understanding the mechanics and techniques of losing weight was quite important for those patients and it may be important for you or for someone you are concerned about.

A Successful And Inspiring Case History
Susan, a patient of mine, is a middle aged female who weighs one hundred and sixty pounds. She has a sedentary job and a sedentary lifestyle. She has gained two pounds a year for the last ten years and her weight was holding at one hundred and sixty pounds.

Susan wanted to weigh about one hundred and twenty five pounds.
In all likelihood, she was probably consuming about 1,600 calories per day when she first came to see me. This number was derived by simply multiplying her body weight by ten. (160 x 10=1,600).
Susan decided that she wanted to lose weight by first increasing her activity level. She began a daily walking routine and with her doctor's approval and guidance, she gradually built up to walking forty five minutes a night six days a week.

Susan also made an effort to move as much as possible during the day. She would use the steps, park far away from her destination and move briskly from point "A" to point "B."
There was little discussion about diet when she began her program. We focused solely on her motivation, her goals and changing her activity level.

Susan also received some help and training in stress management, self-hypnosis and
visualization. She practiced these techniques with a cd program in order to stay motivated and to reduce her tendency to engage in emotional eating when she was anxious or depressed.

By increasing her activity level in the aforementioned manner, Susan was able to consume 2,600 calories per day and lose about one pound per week. Because she increased her activity level, we can now apply a multiple of 20 to her body weight.

This now allows her to consume almost twice as many calories per day as she was ingesting prior to her adopting her new regime. (160 x 20=3,200)
However, if Susan consumed 3,200 calories she might remain at one hundred and sixty pounds. But, by eating 2,600 calories daily, she is now able to lose about a pound per week.
Interestingly, as long as she remains active, she can consume almost the same 2, 600 calories per day at her goal weight of one hundred and twenty five pounds. (125 x 20=2,500).

(By the way, where one's goal weight is concerned, it is often best to utilize a range of weight of approximately five pounds. It is quite hard to remain at the exact same weight every day.)
Regular exercise also produces a natural appetite suppressant and it is helpful in managing the stress, anxiety and depression which drive much overeating.
Author : Jay_P._Granat,_Ph.D.

How to Go on a Juice Fast

Many people think that juice fasting is hard or dangerous, but I can tell you that it's neither if it's done correctly. First, juice fasting is best done using vegetable juice. People go on a juice fast for many reasons - some to lose weight, some to detox, whatever. By using primarily vegetable juice, instead of fruit juice, you will get many more of the nutrients that your body needs. This includes macronutrients like protein, carbohydrates, and fat, but also micronutrients like vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and folic acid.

Vegetable juice contains far less calories than fruit juice, too, so if you're trying to lose weight, vegetable juice is a good way to reduce calories even further. You will, however, probably need to add a small amount of fresh apple juice to your vegetable juice to make it palatable, otherwise the juice can seem somewhat strong and sludgy. Carrot juice is good for this purpose also.

Second, people get wrapped up in the details of juice fasting, and you really don't need to. Just keep the juices centered on green leafy vegetables. Things like romaine lettuce, spinach, and kale should form the base for the juice, but veggies like asparagus, bok choy, and cabbage, work well, too. Beets, ginger, cucumber, and celery add extra flavor and nutrients.

People often ask, "Where will you get protein"? Or "Where will you get enough calcium"? Actually, it's very easy to meet your body's daily need for protein and calcium. A quick search online will reveal that leafy greens contain ample amounts of both protein, and calcium, along with all of the other necessary minerals. Additionally you will get the complete spectrum of proteins that your body needs.

Fresh juice made with a juicer is best, and the nutrients will pack the most potency, and the juice can be stored in the refrigerator up to a day. However if you cannot make fresh every meal, or every day, then you should freeze the juice immediately after making it to keep it as fresh as possible.

If you are juice fasting, there's no need to count calories, or even track the amount you are drinking. Every time you are hungry, just reach for a bottle of your fresh juice, and you should be fine - and as always, drink plenty of water.

Although juice fasting is very safe, any extended juice fast should be monitored by your doctor.

Author :Mark_Andrew_Grover

What Influences How Much You Weigh More: Diet or Exercise?

You already know you need to workout and eat something balanced to maintain your weight. The truth is, studies show that whenever people dedicate time to just one healthy and balanced practice, they devote much less time on the other side. Therefore which is certainly more essential when you're concerned about the size of your waist: your regular workout or perhaps your diet plan?

Looks like, people today who believe that weight loss program is the most crucial element in weight management are apt to have a lesser body mass index (BMI) compared to those who actually assume that exercising is an essential tool, as mentioned in six new research published in the publication Psychological Science.

Within the scientific studies, specialists questioned at most over 1,200 people within the U.S., Canada, China, France, and South Korea regarding the primary factor which enables people obese. In addition, they grabbed members' height and weight dimensions to determine their BMIs. Surprisingly, people who stated it's essential to remain energetic to avoid overweight experienced greater BMIs versus individuals who mentioned the right diet is the vital thing in order to manage weight.

As you may anticipate, people's weight-control concepts influenced their diet. In two experiments, the moment research workers supplied individuals countless chocolate, the individuals who stated they believe keeping yourself energetic is vital to keeping your desired weight consumed most.

"Our own opinions assist our approaches," states research co-author Brent McFerran, PhD, an assistant professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Think it over: If you believe workout is the answer to fat regulation, you may push much more concentration not so on the amount you take in. Whereas physical exercise can actually help body weight loss-and cause you to feel great, amidst some other benefits-people usually overrate the level of calories from fat that they burn up while working out and make up for the additional exercise by consuming more, says McFerran.

On the other hand, if you think that eating balanced and healthy diet is the better option to sustain your fat, you may concern not so regarding exercise-but carefully observe your food intake. And also, that's wise, particularly since most people really undervalue the quantity of calories from fat that they take in, says McFerran.

The challenge: A lot of people presume they may be able to get rid of additional pounds-but there's a lot of medical proof to aid the truth that altering your weight loss program is a far more efficient way to decrease pounds, says McFerran. "Whenever we consume a 3000-calorie meal, almost nobody offers adequate spare time within the entire day to work out it off," he says.

Fortunately, McFerran's best recommendation for the fat control doesn't consume a lot of time: stay away from foods with high levels of calorie consumption, and swap great dishes and bowls for smaller ones to make certain you complete all of them with much more controlled servings.

Nevertheless, you must likely keep your fitness subscription, too. Though it's challenging to drop a few pounds through workout alone, keeping energetic helps alongside body weight control-and it's completely vital to improve your health, said Keri Glassman, RD, a Women's Health weight reduction professional. Not just will physical exercise generate endorphins which raise your rate of metabolism and keep you motivated to consume better-it likewise helps cardiovascular wellness, fortifies your bones, will help you relax, lessens anxiety, and improves psychological state. Almost all amazing reasons why you should strike the health club when it's possible to!

Author : Gary_Stanton

10 Practices Which Helps You to Lose Weight

Losing weight concerns creating little adjustment that one could experience once and for all. While you integrate these kinds of little changes to your way of living, you are going to to observe they're able to soon add up to big calorie savings as well as weight loss. Listed below are the top 10 Practices Which Helps You to Lose Weight :

1. Examine your eating practice. Are you eating food late at night, nibbling while cooking, finishing the kids' meals? Take a look around, and it will be easy to identify a few behaviors you can change that will add up to big calorie savings.

2. Get the day started with breakfast. It is basically the essential meal each day. Following a lengthy night's sleep, your system needs the energy to truly get your stamina going and provide you with great power throughout the day.

3. Ingest gently, munch on each chew, and taste the flavor of the meal. Consider relaxing your fork amongst bites and drinking lots of water along with your food.

4. Eating regular meals are important. Determine the consistency of your respective foods which is most effective in your day to day life and adhere to it. Normal eating assist in preventing overindulging.

5. Consume your meal sitting yourself down at the dining table and from your dish. Meals consumed from bags as standing upright is definitely overlooking. You could possibly end up ingesting much than those who take a seat and deliberately appreciate the meal.

6. If you decide to eat snack between meals, consider the snack just like a little meal. The essential healthy treats include complex carbohydrates along with a few healthy proteins and calories.

7. If possible, go shopping with a full tummy. It's really a strategy with regards to catastrophe to enter the supermarket if you are on an empty stomach. Go to the grocery store with a ready checklist so desired purchasing is actually held down. Eating properly begins with equipping sensible food within your kitchen and fridge.

8. Serve meal into distinct dishes, and then leave the additional back to the cooking stove. Servings of meals available should to be consumed, and it requires great self-control never to entrench for a few moments. Keep in mind; it will take around 20 minutes or so for your thoughts to have the sign from your own stomach that you're fully loaded.

9. Avoid eating after dinner. Here is where lots of people bring on extra few pounds. If you're starving, try fulfilling your craving by having a non-caloric drink or even a bit of hard candy bars. Brushing your teeth right after supper assists in easing the craving for eating once more.

10. If you fail to plan, plan to fail. You might need an approach to suit your food and goodies. Prepare nutritious food on the times throughout daytime that you understand you may be usually starving and that can quickly cast out of your diet program.

Author :  Gary_Stanton

Mistakes People Make When Trying To Lose Weight

There are a lot of positive tips and tricks that you can adhere to in order to lose weight today, but there are also a lot of mistakes that you can make. Most people don't realize this at first glance, and they go on a long journey to try and get to a point where they are losing great amounts of fat, but will only gain after they realize there is a plateau to every diet out there today. If you have tried diets in the past and have experienced weight gain instead of loss, than you need to focus on changing the mistakes from the past and creating a new triumphant discovery. The following will show you what to avoid and what to adhere to in order to accomplish the goals that you have for your body.

First and foremost, do not stop eating food that you love. Instead, find ways to add it to your regimen in a limited capacity. Most plans have you completely cutting out good tasting items, and that is not a bad thing. You want to enjoy your life and that means indulging every now and again. Take one day out of the week to eat whatever it is you want and the rest of the week focus on limiting your intake of alcohol, sugar, and heavy fat foods. If you eat well for six days and have one day of rest, you will enjoy whatever plan you're on and you will see more benefits from your lifestyle than by simply omitting things that you enjoy.

The second thing that you need to avoid is overworking your body. Some people assume that seven days of cardio or lifting will help them get the results they want faster. That is not true, that will lead to serious injury and will complicate matters in a variety of different ways. Do not just focus on training every day with the same exercises. Try something new, alternate on a regular basis, and make sure that you have at least one day that you do nothing in the gym. You want to allow your muscles to recover and that is only going to happen if you give it some time.

Another great thing that you will want to avoid is adding too much in the way of supplements. You do not need to get powders that are high in calories if you're not going to body building. Look for supplements that will help but do not interfere with your plans. There are a lot of things that you can get caught up into when venturing into the supplement world so be careful.
The above mistakes are just a few things that you should definitely avoid, especially if you want to lose serious belly fat. Take time to understand your body, focus on eating well, exercising right, and only adding supplements that will help you on your quest. When in doubt, do some more research and stick to what works for you before investing into any crash diet or celebrity endorsed workout video system.
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Author : Dennis_Ruiz

Understanding Trans Fat And Saturated Fat

Many people who are trying to find a better way to eat by trying low fat foods should know that it is not necessary to give up fat altogether. Instead, it is a much smarter option to try and educate yourself on the different types of fats that are found in a variety of foods and how each one of them impact our health. Believe it or not, we do need fats in our diet. By learning how to understand the differences between trans fat and saturated fat, you will have a better idea of how each of it interact with our bodies. From there, you can make an informed decision as you are choosing foods to integrate into your diet.

When you look at most foods, often times each one of them will contain a range of fats. It goes without saying that some of these are actually much better for your health than others. The two most harmful forms of dietary foods include trans fat and saturated fat. To break it down, saturated is a kind of fat that is known to come from animal sources. Not only can this actually raise your cholesterol levels but it can also lend to a higher risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes.

In terms of trans fat, you will see that this type can occur naturally in some foods. While there is still a chance of finding trans fat in food from animal sources, it is most common to find them during food processing when unsaturated fats go through the hydrogenation process. Generally, these are known to be easier to cook with and much less likely to lend to spoiling when compared to other more natural oils. Much like saturated fat, trans fat can also cause a boost in unhealthy cholesterol levels and even increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

In order to determine what types of foods have trans fat and saturated fat, you will generally see that they have the tendency to become solid when cooled or reach room temperature. These solid includes items such as butter, margarine, pork, beef and shortening. While these fats are used in a number of popular foods, it is always a good idea to limit your intake of them whenever possible if you are trying to maintain optimal health.
When you are trying to weed out all of your options in fats, it is a good idea to look for some of the healthier food. The two main sources of dietary fat that are known to be helpful are polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Polyunsaturated fat is often found in fatty fish and can be wonderful for helping to reduce blood pressure levels and even decrease the chances of Type 2 Diabetes. With monounsaturated fat, you will often find it in a number of foods including fruits, nuts, seeds and fish. Equally as helpful for overall health, this along with polyunsaturated fat are both better choices than trans fat and unsaturated fat.

AUthor : Amrut_Patel

Losing Weight While Living Your Life

Many people who want to lose weight struggle with some of the basic changes needed for effective weight loss. While weight loss does take some basic changes and commitment, dropping extra pounds is fairly straightforward. These healthy eating habits to lose weight can be incorporated into most people's lifestyles easily.

While giving up carbohydrates is probably not a good idea, limiting the amount of calories from carbohydrates can help to boost weight loss. When eating carbohydrate sources, focus on complex carbs, such as plant foods. There are also some great zero and low carb foods that should be incorporated into a daily diet.

While most people avoid milk carbohydrates, cheese like mozzarella, meunster, cheddar, and fontina have almost no carbohydrates in them. These are great choices for low-carb foods as a good source of protein and dairy. It's also a good idea to focus on some of the basic meats and meat alternatives. Unprocessed meats do not contain carbohydrates and lean sources of these meats are a great choice. Legumes and nuts do contain some carbohydrates in the form of fiber, so don't avoid these for a good protein source.
Non-starchy vegetables are a low-carbohydrate source so choosing options like leafy greens, carrots, tomatoes, and broccoli are good additions to a diet. Avoid starchy vegetables which are high in carbohydrates and a poor source of nutrients as well.

While decreasing carbohydrates is a good idea, it's also recommended to focus on some top superfoods. These are food that are high in vitamins and minerals, and can help boost the body's ability to lose weight and also keep up energy and vitality.

Blueberries are a top superfood for their high antioxidant concentration. They work to preserve memory, have a high water content, and also are a good source of fiber, helping to keep people full with dieting. Spinach is another great choice and this high-nutrient superfood can be switched out for lettuce in a diet to add a boost. Most nuts are a great choice, but pistachios tend to be a little lower in fat and are especially recommended for adding superfoods to a diet. Dark chocolate may be a surprise on this list, but with its high cacao content, it makes up an important part of a healthy diet, especially if it's limited to about an ounce a day.
Other top superfoods that should be included in a diet are red peppers, pumpkin, and egg whites. These are low-carb options that offer great nutrients and health benefits. Not only do they make a great addition to a diet, they can help to boost weight loss. Look for ways to incorporate these superfoods into a normal eating plan.

These are some of the most effective ways to lose weight. By switching out high-carb, low-nutrient foods with some of these better choices, people can build healthy eating habits to lose weight and build a new lifestyle. Consider making small changes every day for an effective and reliable way to achieve a healthy weight through diet and nutrition.

Author : Kevin_Wynn

Takeaway Can Also Be Healthy

The difference between healthy food and healthy exercise is that you can get other people to make the healthy food for you while you have to do the exercise yourself. So why not do it? If you do not want to cook, then get healthy takeaway instead. And use the extra time and energy to exercise more.
Healthy takeaway is a very smart strategy if you live in a bigger city, if you are single, and if you don't have children living at home. The bigger the city you live in, the better the range of healthy, tasty and cheap takeaway food. The more single you are, the less motivated you are to cook just for yourself. Or maybe you need someone who will cook for you. If you don't have children or if your children are not living at home then you are less likely to have the motivation to cook.

It is well documented from the sociological research that cooking is a social phenomenon. If you eat alone, you are not very motivated to cook. I only make food the days where my children are staying with me. The other days I more or less always go for the healthy takeaway. I would never cook only for myself. I have made calculations and found out that it is actually cheaper and healthier for me that I pick up food instead of cook.

Picking up food is often what motivates me to exercise on days when I'm really lazy. I need something to eat, and so I might as well walk over to the takeaway place - maybe even take a small detour to have a look around, now that I have come out.

When I have guests, I usually also serve takeaway, because cooking unfortunately doesn't interest me, and I'm not particularly good at it. But I have a great respect for people who like cooking.

Nutritionally cooking is especially important to get a sufficient amount and variety of vegetables. Other healthy foods can be eaten almost directly from the package without any special preparation, for example: whole meal bread, fish products and fruit. But most vegetables taste very boring without being cooked.
The healthiest takeaway therefore has a high and varied content of vegetables and a high level of taste. In the big cities there are many places where you can get a wide range of different tasty, healthy salads. Remember some protein from beans, peas, lentils, fish or meat to go with the salad.

If you are looking for ways to be thin without being fanatic, this advice on takeaway is a good start for you.

Author : Morten_Harris_Evin_Olesen


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